NOTE: This exercise book is the English version of “Isländische Grammatik Schritt für Schritt (2. Band) – Übungen” (ISBN 978-3-00-056138-2). If you know German the textbook “Isländiche Grammatik Schritt für Schritt (2. Band)” might be interesting for you to learn the theory.
This book is the continuation of the grammar exercise book Icelandic Grammar Step by Step -Exercise book. 1st volume, A1 – A2 (ISBN 978-3-9818847-8-4). It is aimed at adults learning Icelandic with a teacher or through self-study. Contrary to conventional grammars, this book is not divided into chapters according to word types but according to the assumed gradual language level of the learner. For this reason, the chapters build on each other and provide exercises on more complex grammatical topics gradually. The main subject matter is the contemporary Icelandic language in its forms and syntax for beginners and advanced learners. The focus is on regularities and a selection of some important deviations or exceptions. The exercise book is designed to help the learner correctly apply previously learned grammatical material with various exercises. There is an answer key for all exercises at the end of the book.
The second volume teaches the basic language skills in the declension and intensification of adjectives, the formation and use of adverbs, the declension of pronouns and number words and the conjugation of verbs in the past and past participle. In addition, each chapter has an application section that presents the grammar in direct relation to language use. Among other things, exercises are provided to practice the most common Icelandic verbs with their nuances of meaning.
The exercises are in Icelandic and English, with examples to help the learner complete the exercise correctly. At the beginning of each chapter there is a grammatical focus, which is then dealt with in more detail. After each exercise, there is a list of grammatical topics that the student should know in order to solve the task. Sometimes short explanations are given if the exercise has a particular objective.
The level of the exercises corresponds to A2 – B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.